Thursday, May 13, 2010

Other Stuff

I thought I'd post a couple of images of work I am doing outside of Life Drawing. The above in progress work is 4x6 feet acryclic gel, interior latex, and soft pastel on wood panel. Each mark is reminiscent of curvature of the human spine.

These Pastel drawings are in the process of being matted. There are 6 in the series. Each drawing features multiple layers of 3 dimensional fabricated 'bodily forms'. Tamera referred to them as 'fleshy' pouches, which I am in love with and disgusted by at the same time.

Final Reflection & Portfolio

I realized about half way through the semester that I wasn't going to meet the course objectives nor my own standards if I continued at my current pace. I pushed myself as hard as I could throughout the duration of second quarter & felt that I exceeded my own expectations.

Life Drawing at Stout has taught me a great deal about the human body, rendering forms, and handling drawing tools. I find myself utilizing the things that I have learned, such as cross contour and line quality, in nearly everything I do outside of class.

I have spoken quite a bit about confidence throughout my blog. The one thing that I will carry with me above and beyond anything from Life Drawing is higher confidence in my drawing hand. I need to be pushed to realize my capabilities most of the time. I am very pleased with most of the drawings I created this semester and will use my new found confidence to explore new facets in my art.

Click here to view my semester's work.

an example of a quick gesture drawing from the end of the semester for comparison with earlier drawings

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This & That

I am gaining confidence as the semester comes to as close. I would like to dedicate more time than ever to my sketchbook from this point forward. It is unbelievable what a difference it makes in my drawing to practice daily. I can render the human body practically from memory now, and I am proud of that. The graphite sketch in the previous blog was merely a doodle on my art history notes.

Sketch Book Things III

Gesso, Pastel, Graphite

Sketch Book Things II

Soft Pastel


Sketch Book Things

Pastel & Tea/Ink Washes

Here are a few images from my sketchbook. They are all related to life drawing in one way or another.